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  • 2023
Boston Summer 2023: Industry Volunteers Step Up to Share Insights with Summer 2023 Cohort!

Career Institute: The Project Onramp 2023 cohort kicked off their summer with a “Career Institute” run by Bottom Line. This event was designed to set interns up for success. The workshops started with ice breakers and some peer networking, so the cohort of 200 students working at 78 different companies, could get to know each other. We then dove into topics like building a relationship with your supervisor, setting up a good organizational system at work, and having a growth mindset. The event ended with interns sharing their excitement (and nerves) about their very first day in the life science industry!

Networking While Learning: Once all undergraduates had started their internships, they participated in virtual professional development sessions every few weeks. The sessions covered areas like networking fundamentals, giving and receiving feedback, essential career skills as well as an overview of career paths in the life sciences. These sessions were run by industry professionals – C suite as well as early career folks – who were able to offer insights on personal and professional growth, and help our undergraduates build essential networks in this industry. We ended the summer with a celebration hosted by BioMed Realty, where interns had the chance to thank mentors and supervisors, and network with people from our 78 partner companies.

Career Conversations: Project Onramp interns used Life Science Cares’ One-to-One platform for career conversations with industry professionals throughout the summer. One to One is an easy to use app where interns can choose for a variety of life science industry professionals, who have volunteered to provide their time and insights to students hoping to better understand the career opportunities available to them in the industry. Many of these conversations turn into long term mentoring relationships and even lead to full time work for some lucky graduates!

Philadelphia Summer 2023 Events

Prep Day 2023: The Project Onramp PHL 2023 cohort kicked off their summer with a “Prep Day” of career development workshops run by Heights Philadelphia. During this day, students heard introductory remarks from Heights and Life Science Cares staff, an industry partner (Marinus Pharmaceuticals), and participated in Heights workshops like Conquering Your Summer Internship, Career Development Starts Now, Cultural Competency in the Workplace, Project Management, & Professional Communication.

Advice and Career Insights from Industry Professionals: After students started their internships, they participated in a series of virtual and in-person workshops on topics like mentorship, networking, and exploring career pathways in the life sciences. Students were especially interested in candid conversations with our experts, about their life experiences, interests, and career paths. These sessions were run by industry professionals many from Project Onramp partner companies, with support from Heights Philadelphia.

Internship Showcase and Send-Off Gift: We ended the summer with a Project Onramp Showcase hosted by Spark Therapeutics and Cyto | PHL, where interns had the chance to share highlights from their summer experience, receive a Project Onramp send-off gift, and network with people from Life Science Cares partner companies.

New York Summer 2023: Interns Ring the Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange

First Year of Project Onramp NY: With a cohort of 13 talented and driven undergraduates, Project Onramp New York City launched this summer. Interns participated in several virtual professional development events run by industry professionals – to learn about soft skills essential to career success and to hear from people working in different sectors of the industry.

Speed Networking Proves a Success: In addition, students attended a fun “speed networking” event, hosted by Janus Properties, NYEDC and PWC, where undergrads and industry professionals had a revolving round of introductions and career conversations. Delicious refreshments spurred a lot of casual networking, as well as deeper connections made.

They Rang the Bell! The summer was capped by an amazing experience at the New York Stock Echange. Thanks to Johanna Grossman and the NYSE, students were treated to a presentation and breakfast in the historic NYSE building at 11 Wall Street, before proceeding to the trading floor to ring the opening bell on August 17th 2023.

Bay Area Summer 2023: Impactful Industry and Student Engagement

Overview of Biotech in the Bay Area: Project Onramp Bay Area kicked off the summer with a dynamic Talk Series featuring renowned industry leaders, innovators, and experts hosted by our partner, BioCom California. These interactive sessions delved into career pathways, biotech in the Bay Area, and insightful discussions aimed at inspiring the next generation of life science professionals.

Mentoring: Throughout the summer months, Project Onramp Bay Area hosted several mentoring sessions, providing a platform for professionals from diverse backgrounds to connect, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships. These events facilitated valuable networking opportunities and fostered a sense of community within the biotech ecosystem.

Career Development Workshops: Committed to empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their careers, Project Onramp Bay Area in conjunction with Genentech, organized a series of career development workshops. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including resume building, interview preparation, and personal branding, equipping participants with actionable insights to navigate their career paths effectively.

San Diego Summer 2023: Students Receive 1:1 Mentorship from Local Industry Professionals

Virtual Professional Development Workshops: San Diego launched the first year of Project Onramp with a cohort of 16 interns working at area companies. Students participated in summer professional development workshops which included a primer on networking from Bench International, as well as a session on giving and receiving feedback when working on a team.

Mentorship: Each intern was paired with an industry professional from a San Diego biotech/biopharma company, who reflected the student’s career aspirations – for a series of three meetings throughout the summer. These meetings covered topics like building a career, and also the challenge of bringing your authentic self to work. Students talked about everything from company culture, to building technical skills, to imposter syndrome, with their mentors.

End of Summer Celebration: At the end of the summer, we celebrated the interns at our Internship Showcase, hosted by Mirati Therapeutics at their beautiful offices in Torrey Pines. This feel-good event was attended by staff from Life Science Cares and Project Onramp partner companies, as well as industry professionals and community organizations eager to meet the interns and find out what Project Onramp is all about.